The Hum.

We occasionally find ourselves dissatisfied with life. Not unhappy, just, blah. Suddenly, without warning, we feel like we are failing. Our whole lives are on display and in the way all the time.2015-02-28 11.11.05

We have a small kitchen area that has been blocked by gates since moving in over two years ago. The dumping ground it has become makes us feel bad. As has the general disarray of our modest home tasked with holding the detritus of a life being lived by two toddlers and two parents that both work full time. The fridge is a mess. There is a general paper explosion starting in a basket on our counter that bursts forth slowly, perpetually until it occupies half our free counter space, at which point we just plow them back until they so overwhelm us that we take a day off to organize them, starting the process over. There’s been an empty bottle of olive oil on the counter for weeks, months perhaps. The bags that sit inside the gate reach out into the room and are scattered between the edge of the kitchen and the door leading to the garage (not to mention the disaster that is the garage) and are so permanent that any topographical map of our little kitchen would have to include them as permanent features. The TV’s on. The monitor’s on. Every godforsaken screen is covered in dirty, sticky toddler finger prints and I daren’t guess what lurks in the back of the cabinets. The top of the fridge. The top of the damned fridge.

Adding to this is the general unwellness of parenthood. It’s true. Your spirit soars with the magic of new life, new life designed to inspire your heart to give up on all self-care in order to bathe this child with love and affection and the endless hours of work it takes to present them clean and fed and rested to the world. Leaving you generally speaking about 36 hours from a shower in either direction at all times. This defies all logic, but is so. You’re left with back pain from the terrible posture required of you nearly constantly. You are fat from a diet of kids foods often, healthy grown up foods rarely and downing copious amounts of coffee just to live. The kind of coffee binging that leaves you so dehydrated that it hurts to pee and you say things like, ‘man, I really need to start drinking some water’, while you sip another coffee, pour the water, only to find it the following weekend in the very place you’ve been looking past it since you put it down. A week ago. Full.

Then there is the noise that keeps you a bit crazy these days. Exhaustion has a sound, and it sounds like whining to everyone in ways you find embarrassing way too late, about how tired you are. You are a cliche, and that hurts when you’re aware enough to notice it. But how could you when you are so distracted by your obsession with avoiding mirrors. I mean, you look grey. Their I said it. I’m fat and grey and I don’t know if I’ll ever bounce back. To cope with this I choose candy. Lots of it. So what. The only people I’m starring for are my kids these days. Well the lady of the house too, but she’s in this with me.

movien nightThen there’s the noise. My children’s voices and the things they say take my breath away dozens of times a day. They are magical, truly special creatures and I assume my honesty on this blog I write is about the only thing that can keep each of them from being re-elected as President of the United States. But I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if they overcame that too. They’re that amazing. But the reality of each day is that your toddler can be amazing 36-48 times a day and still leave you with hours upon hours of really challenging behavior. Challenging behavior that comes with tears and maniacal comic-book-villain laughs and screams just to scream, just to startle you into looking, only to find a giant ear to ear grin on this little boy that just screamed like he was being stretched by Prince Humperdinck’s henchman. All to the soothing sounds of the most infernal and dastardly aural creation the world has ever known: The Fresh Beat Band. Actually we haven’t really watched them in a couple years, but I still hear them. Everywhere.

The mess. The Exhaustion. The noise. The work. This hum that so annoys me each day. This hum that I can’t stand at times. This hum that causes my wife and I to lose patience with each other far more often then we’d care to admit. This hum that we so desperately wish to quiet will one day fully dissolve. Already the nights are longer, and the boys are bigger and if pressed I can become sentimental about 3 AM wake up calls for feeding and the tiny fingers that looked like a dolls.

The thing about this hum, this hum that I have a really hard time embracing and complain about far more than I ought to is that it will someday disappear. The corners will be clean, as will the counters and the floors. The TV will be on to entertain only us and the noise of a full house will dissipate and be replaced by more pleasant and welcome noises. We will be allowed to enjoy silence, sweet sweet silence. The exhaustion won’t ever fully go, but it will get more manageable. The hum will fade, like all other things, to history. When it does I suspect I will relish the clean and the quiet. It will allow me all the free time I’ll need to look back and appreciate all that was done here. To appreciate the times I couldn’t appreciate fully in the moment. To fully embrace and love the hum that I’ll never get the privilege to be enveloped in ever again.


Author: joejmedler

Joe Medler lives in New Jersey with his wife, who is universally understood to be far too good for him, and his two young sons, who are far too smart for him. His work has been featured on MamaLode, The Original Bunker Punks and Sammiches and Psych Meds. You can find more of his work at and follow him on Facebook at

9 thoughts on “The Hum.”

  1. Oh how I loved this post!!! Sweet Jesus Joe it’s like you crawled into my head and write about everything I wanted to say and write! Right down to the evil overflowing wicker basket of things I need to deal with. The paperwork monster that threatens to to put me into a chokehold till I cry uncle. All that’s missing in similarities between our lives is I work part time from home and raise children with special needs. Kindred parents we are Joe, so glad our paths have crossed. Now you know you and developing Mom aren’t alone in this parenting journey. All the best and stay away from FBB that show will drive you to drink. šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s all about perspective, my friend! Sit down and make a list of your priorities. Happy kids, happy wife, happy life. The mess will be there tomorrow. Your babies will not…when you blink, they will be going to college. Enjoy your children and your wife. Get some sleep. Tomorrow, tackle one room at a time. And hand the kids a rag…perfection is not as important as spending time:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You have stop. I’m trying to write some crass and disturbing anatomical humor on the other monitor in my Blog Command Center as I read this and now I’m gonna go curl up in my daughters bed and smell her blankets. Because every time she tries to sleep in her own bed I think “Is this the last time I wake up at midnight to her walking across me with her hello kitty blankie?” And some day soon it will be. We can’t be friends anymore…. šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚


  4. Yeah, I’ve been there. I’ve even posted about it myself:

    However, you do a much better job of capturing the raw honesty of being in a situation that you can only appreciate once it’s over. My kids are 3 and 4, and I already look back at 1 and 2 with fondness and nostalgia, even though I know in my heart that it was every bit as tough as it is now, if not at times tougher.

    Nicely done!


  5. Hi Joe ā€” I really enjoyed this post. I help run a collection on called Human Parts ( and Iā€™d love to share it with our readers. Would you be interested in that? If so, email me ( and let me know! Iā€™d just need a short bio and Iā€™d link back to the original here.



    1. Harris, I’d love to be on Human Parts again. I was on Medium before I was here and had worked with a woman, whose name is escaping me right now.

      I’ll send you a bio and link right away..

      Thank you so much for reaching out to me and for your interest in the work.

      All the best,


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